Natural remedies

Worms Hanging From the Ceiling

Giulia Graziati
By Giulia Graziati, Writer. July 30, 2024
Worms Hanging From the Ceiling

While there can be different insect species resulting in worms hanging from the ceiling, in most domestic environments it is likely to be moth larvae. These are not actually worms, but caterpillars. This is the correct term for larvae of the order Lepidoptera which includes moths and butterflies. While they can be from various species, those which are in our kitchen are likely to be from thew family Tineidae, commonly known as fungus moths.

These worms or larvae are hanging because the moth is pupating. They have stored up energy reserves and are about to metamorphosize into adult moths. thedailyECO explains how to get rid of worms hanging from the ceiling.

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  1. Sticky traps
  2. Ultraviolet (UV) light
  3. Lavender
  4. Cedar
  5. White vinegar
  6. Citrus peels
  7. Garlic
  8. Clove
  9. Fumigation
  10. How to avoid moth larvae on the ceiling
See more >>

Sticky traps

Sticky traps are a practical option for capturing adult moths. These traps are coated with a sticky substance that traps moths when they land on them. Placing them near lights or on high ceiling areas can help reduce the population of these organisms and prevent them from laying eggs. This means you won't get rid of the larvae hanging from the ceiling, but you'll stop the adults laying eggs to turn into the worms that will.

While the moth larvae hanging from your ceiling won't likely cause you any direct harm, other species can. Learn more with our article on the most poisonous caterpillars in the world.

Worms Hanging From the Ceiling - Sticky traps

Ultraviolet (UV) light

Ultraviolet light lamps can be effective in attracting and eliminating moths. These lamps emit UV light that attracts moths to a sticky or electrified surface that traps or kills them, respectively. Placing these lamps near the ceiling can help control and reduce their population.

The following methods of getting rid of worms hanging from the ceiling are home remedies which vary in effectiveness. Some of them may be more trouble than they are worth and others have little scientific evidence to confirm their efficacy. However, anecdotal evidence may support their use and it is up to us to use what is best for our own home.


Lavender can work as a natural repellent to scare away moths. You can use bags of dried lavender on high shelves, closets and other high places that are close to the ceiling. Additionally, preparing a spray with lavender essential oil diluted in water and spraying infested areas such as the upper corners of rooms helps repel these pests. This method is not only effective, but also leaves a very pleasant aroma in the environment.

Worms Hanging From the Ceiling - Lavender


Cedar is another repellent against moths, useful due to its content of the compound thujone. Cedar balls, shavings, or blocks of this material can be placed in closets and between clothes to keep moths away. Cedarwood essential oil can also be used in diffusers or in homemade sprays to treat larger areas. Unlike other methods, cedar not only repels moths, but also absorbs moisture, preventing fungal development.

White vinegar

White vinegar is a cleaning agent that may also act as a moth repellent. To address infestations on the ceiling, a vinegar and water solution can be used to clean surfaces, paying special attention to areas where moths or their larvae have been seen. In addition to eliminating eggs and worms hanging from the ceiling, vinegar leaves an odor that may act as a repellent.

Worms Hanging From the Ceiling - White vinegar

Citrus peels

Citrus peels, such as those of lemon, orange, and grapefruit, contain essential oils that are used in repelling insects such as moths. Placing fresh or dried peels near the ceiling, in the upper corners of rooms or in areas where moths have been observed. Additionally, citrus peels add a fresh, clean aroma to the space.


Garlic, among many of its benefits, is also used for its supposed insect repellent properties. To use against moths on the ceiling, peeled garlic cloves can be placed in small cloth bags and hung in elevated areas. Another option is to prepare a spray with water and crushed garlic, which can be applied to the ceiling and nearby areas to eliminate eggs and larvae. However, this is not usually very effective and the garlic smell be as unpleasant to you as it is any worms hanging from the ceiling.


Cloves are another natural method of repelling moths, used thanks to their strong and distinctive aroma that these pests find unpleasant. Placing cloves in small cloth or muslin bags and placing them in high areas, such as near the ceiling, in closets or drawers, can help keep moths away. Additionally, they can be placed in bowls or plates distributed in different parts of the room to cover a larger area.

Worms Hanging From the Ceiling - Clove


In cases of severe infestations, professional fumigation may be necessary. Exterminators use specific chemicals that eliminate moths and their larvae. It is important to follow safety instructions and, if possible, opt for less toxic treatments to avoid environmental contamination and damage to human health.

Worms Hanging From the Ceiling - Fumigation

How to avoid moth larvae on the ceiling

As with other types of pests, the most effective method to prevent the proliferation of moths is prevention. Here are some tips so you can prevent the presence of moths on the ceiling as well as in the rest of your home:

  • Keep the different areas well ventilated and clean, since moths prefer dark, closed and humid places to lay their eggs.
  • Vacuum carpets and curtains regularly because these places are favorable environments for moth nests in the home.
  • Properly store your food in tightly closed containers so adults or larvae cannot enter.
  • Wash your clothes well and use sealed plastic clothes bags to store any clothes that are not used regularly. Before placing clothes inside these bags, you will need to ensure there are no moths or other pests on the clothes already. If not, they can proliferate inside the bags.
  • Seal cracks or openings in the ceiling and walls so that moths cannot enter. Plug any openings you find with caulk or silicone to prevent moths from entering the home and finding places to lay their eggs.
  • Perform regular inspections for signs of infestation such as small holes in fabrics or the presence of larvae or adult moths. Detecting and eliminating problems early can prevent a larger infestation.

Despite being part of the same order, you are unlikely to find a butterfly infestation in your home. Learn why with our article on the differences between butterflies and moths.

If you want to read similar articles to Worms Hanging From the Ceiling, we recommend you visit our Natural remedies category.

  • Environmental hygiene (2021). Moths in the house? Experts teach us how to prevent them.
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Worms Hanging From the Ceiling