Decorative plants

What Is the National Flower of Colombia?

Ulla Rothschuh Osorio
By Ulla Rothschuh Osorio, Biologist. August 13, 2024
What Is the National Flower of Colombia?

The national flower of Colombia is a type of orchid known as the Flor de Mayo (Cattleya trianae) or ‘May flower’, although it is also sometimes known as thew ‘Christmas orchid’. It is an epiphytic flower, meaning that it lives on another plant without feeding on it. It is endemic to tropical areas such as Colombia. One of the reasons it has become a national symbol of this South American country is that it can share colors of the national Colombian flag. Discover more with our article asking what is the national flower of Colombia?

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  1. What is the national flower of Colombia?
  2. Characteristics of the national flower of Colombia
  3. Cattleya trianae orchid care

What is the national flower of Colombia?

The national flower of Colombia is the Cattleya trianae orchid, commonly known as the May flower or Christmas orchid. The Colombian government first included this flower among its national symbols in 1936, identifying it with this South American nation. Cattleya trianae is an orchid that is endemic to this beautiful country, flourishing due to its climate and altitude. Orchid gardens in Colombia are numerous and hotspots among tourists and locals alike.

When establishing the Colombian national flower, naturalist Emilio Robledo was commissioned to conduct research into which flower could represent the country. He was surprised to find that the May flower could display the colors of the Colombian flag in the center of its petals, which is why the national flower was chosen to be Cattleya trianae.

Cattleya trianae is one of the country's most common orchids. This is because it grows relatively easily. It is also quite a large type of orcid and is considered one of the most beautiful due to its colors, the structure of its stem and its inflorescence. Choosing the national flower of Colombia can mean you can enjoy its showiness to brighten up almost any garden. It is so large, each flower can measure up to 10" (25 cm) in diameter.

Although the May flower (Cattleya trianae) is the national flower of Colombia, there are species of this genus which are also common in South America:

  • Cattleya forbesii: it is native to Brazil and originally grew on the banks of rivers and swamps. It is very rare to find it inland and its number has decreased due to the loss of its natural habitat.
  • Cattleya amethystoglossa: this is a large orchid that blooms in winter and spring, originally from Brazil. It can have between ten and thirty flowers during its flowering stage.
  • Cattleya intermediana: this is a medium-sized flower that blooms in spring or summer with three or seven flowers, originating in very warm climates.
  • Cattleya loddigesii: grows well in semi-open forests with clear water. It produces a flower that grows from its dry spathe, a spathe which not green as in many other cases. The spathe is the physical part where the flowers sprout.

Although the Colombian national flower is relatively common, this is not the case for all orchids. Learm more with our article on the rarest orchids in the world.

What Is the National Flower of Colombia? - What is the national flower of Colombia?

Characteristics of the national flower of Colombia

We know the May flower is the national flower of Colombia, but you may want to know more about its characteristics:

  • Also called the Queen of orchids, Cattleya trianae belongs to the orchid family, has fleshy leaves and abundant, large flowers that are very spectacular.
  • Although it lives on the trunk of certain trees, it is not a parasite plant since it does not feed on them.
  • Its flowers are composed of three sepals (green leaves that form part of the calyx) and three petals. Learn more about the function of sepals in our related guide.
  • The plant is structured into flower, leaf, pseudobulb, rhizome and root.
  • It is relatively easy to grow and usually flowers between April and May.
  • They come in many colors, starting with white, and passing through shades of beige, to various shades of pink, lilac, and dark colors, as well as light specimens with dark spots.
  • It is interesting to know the meanings given to orchids. It is a plant that is related to fertility, which is why it has become a beautiful gift for someone who has just had a baby. Another meaning that has been assigned to it is that of beauty and perfection, so if you receive an orchid as a gift, it is because the person who gave it to you considers you to be someone very special.
What Is the National Flower of Colombia? - Characteristics of the national flower of Colombia

Cattleya trianae orchid care

Despite being grown in abundance in homes, gardens and nurseries, the natural habitat of Cattleya trianae faces significant threats. This includes destruction by human development of the land. For this reason, the Colombian government has made an effort to make the beauty and value of this plant known to the wider world. This involves conservation and planting campaigns to increase the number of specimens.

If you have decided to grow a May flower in your home or garden, here are some cattleya plant care tips to help it thrive:

  • Watering: among the forms of care that May flower orchid needs, watering is one which needs careful attention. Watering should be carried out weekly with a strict attention to amount. The amount you need depends on the climate and altitude of where it is planted. This is an orchid which is used to high altitudes, so it may need more water if being grown closer to sea level. The soil must be kept moist, but never waterlogged. The environment should be humid as it will struggle to flower if it is too dry.
  • Pruning: once the flowers have dried up after blooming, it is advisable to prune the dead heads so they do not continue to demand energy and nutrients from the plant. Once the dried flowers have been cut, there will be less risk of the orchid suffering from diseases and pests. Normally the flowers last about fifteen days. Take a look at our related guide to discover pests and diseases that affect orchids.
  • Light: the light it receives should be bright, but indirect. It requires some shade each day.
  • Fertilizer: we can help with flowering by offering a liquid orchid fertilizer that you can apply to the soil immediately after watering. This will help give it strength for better blooms.

Now that you know why the orchid is the national flower of Colombia, you may be interested in checking out our article on the most expensive flowers in the world.

If you want to read similar articles to What Is the National Flower of Colombia?, we recommend you visit our Decorative plants category.

  • Orchid, Cattleya Trianae: One of the Finest Orchid Species. (1940). United States: Rapella Orchid Company.
  • Vargas, W. G. (2002). Illustrated guide to the plants of the mountains of Quindío and the Central Andes. Colombia: Editorial Universidad de Caldas.
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What Is the National Flower of Colombia?