Facts about animals

What Animals Eat Ants?

Giulia Graziati
By Giulia Graziati, Writer. October 14, 2024
What Animals Eat Ants?

Myrmecophagous animals are those which eat ants or termites, especially if these insects constitute the majority of their diet. This can be used to contrast with insectivores which eat different kinds of insects in a more generalized way. Some insectivores may carry out myrmecophagy opportunistically, but will not specifically seek out ants. Ant-eating animals will have various adaptations which allow them to prey upon these insects effectively. These include exterior parts such as their tongues or claws, as well as internal parts which are able to digest ants for sustenance.

At thedailyECO, we discover many of these adaptations by asking what animals eat ants? We discover 14 types of animals that eat ants with photos to see their great diversity.

You may also be interested in: Anatomy of an Ant - Ant Body Parts
  1. Giant anteater
  2. Southern tamandua
  3. Giant armadillo
  4. Nine-banded armadillo
  5. Short-beaked echidna
  6. Aardvark
  7. Pangolin
  8. Other animals that eat ants

Giant anteater

It should be no surprise the giant anteater (Myrmecophaga tridactyla) is an ant-eating animal. Both their common name and their taxonomic name allude to this behavior. They are the only extant member of the genus Myrmecophaga, the name of which translates as ‘ant eater’ from the original Latin.

Native to Central and South America, the giant anteater is specially adapted to eating ants. This is largely thanks to its long tubular snout which has a small mouth at the distal end. Such a snout allows them to enter anthills, using their incredibly dexterous tongue to ingest the ants. Their tail is almost as long as their body, allowing them greater balance when hoovering up ants from the ground.

A tubular snout and dexterous tongue are not the only adaptations which allow them to eat ants with ease. They also have strong claws on their forelimbs with which they are able to break up anthills or termite mounds. All of these adaptations and skill at consuming ants makes them the animal most associated with ant eating.

What Animals Eat Ants? - Giant anteater

Southern tamandua

Also known as the collard anteater, the Southern tamandua (Tamandua tetradactyla) is another anteater species, this time native to South America only. As with all anteaters, the tamandua's tongue is covered in saliva which is particularly sticky. This causes ants to adhere to the tongue when it flicks out and brings it back into the mouth. This type of animal that eats ants can climb trees, finding other sources of sustenance such as honeycombs from beehives when ants are scarce.

What Animals Eat Ants? - Southern tamandua

Giant armadillo

The giant armadillo (Priodontes maximus) is another mammal that eats ants with specific adaptations. The largest of all armadillo species, their natural habitat extends from northern Venezuela to Paraguay and northern Argentina. Their body is covered in flexible plates which create a strong armor against attack. Like the anteater, they have strong claws on their forelimbs which can be used to break open anthills and termite mounds. It is believed that armadillos need to have anthills and termite mounds in their habitat, although they do eat other insects.

Discover why giant armadillos are endangered with our related article.

What Animals Eat Ants? - Giant armadillo

Nine-banded armadillo

Also known as the common long-nosed armadillo, the nine-banded armadillo (Dasypus novemcinctus) has the largest population distribution of any armadillo species. Their names come from the fact they have a long snout and nine mobile bands of plates along their body. They are a nocturnal animal with a diet based mainly on ants and termites, although they will eat almost any insect for sustenance. They may also eat other invertebrates such as snails and ants, using their claws to dig up the earth.

What Animals Eat Ants? - Nine-banded armadillo

Short-beaked echidna

Despite their name, the short-beaked echidna (Tachyglossus aculeatus) has a snout, not a beak. They are an ant-eating mammal, not a bird which commonly has a beak. Although their snout is described as ‘short’ it is elongated when compared to the mouths of many other mammals. This helps to aid in the consumption of ants and other invertebrates which constitute the main part of their diet. As with the anteater, the echidna also has a relatively long tongue which is sticky. They also have strong front claws to break up anthills.

Discover a mammal which does have a bill like a bird with our article asking are platypuses mammals or birds?

What Animals Eat Ants? - Short-beaked echidna


The only extant member of their order, the aardvark (Orycteropus afer) is a solitary, nocturnal mammal found on the African continent. Another mammal that eats ants, the aardvark is considered a living fossil. These are organisms which have a lineage which has not changed for millions of years, maintaining their primitive characteristics.

Aardvarks are known for a heightened sense of smell which allows them to detect anthills and termite mounds from long distances. They also have a nimble tongue which allows them to snarf up these invertebrates with ease. In mythology and culture, aardvarks are known for their resistance, something evidenced by their ability to withstand the painful stings of soldier ants while they consume them.

What Animals Eat Ants? - Aardvark


Pangolins are animals of the order Pholidota, of which there are nine known individual species. Despite being in different orders, they are sometimes known as scaly anteaters, largely due to their appearance and the fact they are animals that eat ants. They are found in both Africa and Asia. Like the echidna, they will roll up into a ball to protect themselves. While the echidna has spines, the pangolin has armored plates similar to those of the armadillo.

Another trait common among animals that eat ants is the fact that pangolins are solitary animals. When they do meet, it is usually only for reproduction. Females seek out males and males will fight with their tails if they experience competition. Pangolins are another example of myrmecophagous mammals that have long tongues to scoop up ants when feeding.

We learn more about other insectivorous animals with our comparison of the differences between salamanders and geckos.

What Animals Eat Ants? - Pangolin

Other animals that eat ants

We have provided information on some of the mammals that eat ants, but these are not the only animals that consume them. You can see some other ant-eating animal species which includes vertebrates and invertebrates which eat ants:

  • Twin-flagged jumping spider (Anasaitis canosa)
  • Numbat (Myrmecobius fasciatus)
  • West African chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes verus)
  • Big hairy armadillo (Chaetophractus villosus)
  • Northern tamandua (Tamandua mexicana)
  • Antbirds (family Thamnophilidae)
  • Thrushes (family Turdidae)

If we look at the morphology of birds that eat ants, you will see they have specialized beaks which allow them to eat ants with ease. Take a look at our guide to the different types of bird beaks to learn more about how physical adaptations allow certain birds to survive.

What Animals Eat Ants? - Other animals that eat ants
What Animals Eat Ants? -

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  • Martinelli, A. G., & Forasiepi, A. M. (2008). Australospheniids. Retrieved from https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Agustin-Martinelli/publication/233755338_Australosfenidos_Parientes_cercanos_de_los_enigmaticos_monotremas/links/0deec516b463a76a4b000000/Australosfenidos-Parientes-cercanos-de-los-enigmaticos-monotremas.pdf

  • Biodiversity Information System of the National Parks Administration, Argentina. (n.d.). Retrieved from https://sib.gob.ar/especies

  • Orycteropus afer. (n.d.). Retrieved from https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Orycteropus_afer

  • Pholidota. (n.d.). Retrieved from https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pholidota
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What Animals Eat Ants?