Plant care and cultivation

My Peace Lily Is Not Flowering

Ulla Rothschuh Osorio
By Ulla Rothschuh Osorio, Biologist. October 9, 2024
My Peace Lily Is Not Flowering

Peace lilies are flowering plants which make up the genus Spathiphyllum, of which there are around 60 individual species and many other cultivars. In addition to their dark green, glossy and elliptical leaves, peace lilies are known for their beautiful blooms. While they are still beautiful without inflorescence, many people choose to decorate their home with peace lilies due to their unique flowers. These flowers are invariably white, although they can have other shades. If we bring a peace lily into the home, we will likely be disappointed if it does not bloom. This can be due to various reasons, including poor lighting, inappropriate watering or a lack of fertilizer, among others. At thedailyECO, we learn more about why a peace lily won't bloom and what to do about it in our article on my peace lily is not flowering.

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  1. Insufficient natural light
  2. Inappropriate watering
  3. Unfavorable ambient temperature
  4. Poor substrate
  5. Exposure to air currents
  6. How to make a peace lily flower

Insufficient natural light

Many people decide to keep their peace lily indoors. While it can make an incredible indoor plant, the environment needs to be conducive to its proper development. Light is one of the most important environmental factors. If peace lilies do not receive enough natural light, they can develop poorly and not bloom. Although peace lilies need natural light, it is important that it is indirect.

Peace lilies are considered ‘closet plants’. This is because they can fare well in relatively low-light conditions. This does not mean they can actually be kept in a closet with no light. It just means their light needs are lower than many other indoor plants. If they are starved of natural light, their flowers will have a more difficult time blooming. Although the plant may survive, only the leaves will be visible.

If your peace lily is not flowering, it is very possible that insufficient light is the reason why. In this case, you will need to move it somewhere they will be able to get more indirect natural light. Do not place it in direct sunlight or the plant will burn.

In addition to the peace lily, you can discover some more of the best living room plants with our related guide.

My Peace Lily Is Not Flowering - Insufficient natural light

Inappropriate watering

The peace lily is a very hardy plant and easily adapts to many soil conditions, even those that are not ideal. If you stop watering it for several days, the peace lily can remain healthy during this time. It is able to tolerate a certain degree of dryness in its soil with its leaves and stems not showing much damage. This is aided by being in indirect sunlight since there is less evaporation.

However, a peace lily will not flower if there is insufficient water. It is very common that dry soil does not allow the production of inflorescence. Especially during spring and summer, it is best to ensure the soil is always damp. A humid climate will help to best ensure flowering in peace lilies. Although it will require less water during autumn and winter, this does not mean we can stop watering it. It will need to be watered a minimum of every 2 weeks.

Insufficient water does not only refer to dry soil, but also to a lack of moisture on the stem and leaves. It is necessary to have a spray bottle that can be continuously refilled with soft water. This spray of water can also be applied to the surface of the soil to maintain humidity.

Although too little water will prevent a peace lily from blooming, too much water is equally problematic. If the soil is waterlogged or excessively wet, it can cause root rot. This will affect the entire organism. In addition to not flowering, it will also result in damage to the leaves.

Learn more about how improper irrigation affects plants with our article asking what do black spots on leaves mean?

My Peace Lily Is Not Flowering - Inappropriate watering

Unfavorable ambient temperature

If the ambient temperate for the peace lily is unfavorable, it can seriously affect its development. This doesn't mean it will die. The leaves and other parts of the plant will often remain healthy, but the flower itself does not bloom. The most favorable ambient temperature for peace lilies is around 70-77ºF (21-25ºC). If the temperature is above or below this range, the plant is much less likely to bloom.

Although the daytime temperature might be conducive to flowering, sudden drops in temperature at night can affect its growth. For this reason, you may need to reconsider its location if we keep it somewhere that is cold at night. For example, it may be warm near a window during the day, but it is the coldest area at night.

My Peace Lily Is Not Flowering - Unfavorable ambient temperature

Poor substrate

As we have said before, the peace lily is a resistant plant. This makes it very versatile in adapting to various environmental conditions. This does not mean it shouldn't have the best conditions possible. Enriching the substrate of your peace lily will mean this plant provides its flower as a gift of gratitude.

Sometimes providing the right substrate is about what you don't give it as much as what you do. Fertilizer should not be used in winter, but it should be given during the remaining seasons. A plant of this type that has not been fertilized in years will have difficulty producing flowers, especially if it has been kept indoors during this time. Try to provide it with enough fertilizer and water so that the fertilizer is diluted.

A good homemade fertilizer can be made by leaving a banana peel and two eggshells in a liter of water in a sealed jar for two days. The resulting liquid should be strained and used to irrigate the plant. This will provide many of the nutrients necessary for the peace lily to flower.

Discover more with our article on the best homemade organic fertilizers.

Exposure to air currents

Don't place your peace lily near a door or a window that is constantly open. Not only will this subject it to direct light, but it will not stand unexpected gusts of wind. It is even worse to place it near a heater or air conditioner since they can create a draft and create a fluctuating ambient temperature.

It is best to place a peace lily in an area away from radiators and air conditioners, as well as doors and windows that are repeatedly opened. A place sheltered from the wind, but with sufficient indirect light will be ideal.

My Peace Lily Is Not Flowering - Exposure to air currents

How to make a peace lily flower

By explaining the reasons why a a peace lily is not blooming, we have already provided ways to help it flower. However, you should also take the following into consideration:

  • Pot: it is better if we have it planted a peace lily in a pot rather than in solid ground. This way we can better control its humidity and climate.
  • Height: we can also raise the pot to keep it away from children and pets. Although the peace lily is not considered poisonous, it can irritate the stomach or produce excessive salivation if accidentally ingested.
  • Pests: a peace lily is not a plant that suffers from constant pests, but if you happen to see bugs under its leaves, just remove them with a damp cloth. Repeat until they disappear.
  • Pruning: although the total flowering period is between 1 to 2 months, individual blooms of peace lilies tend to last between 2 to 3 weeks. After this time, they will dry out. Some gardeners recommend the center of the peace lily flower be removed. It can be buried in the soil of the plant to reintroduce nutrients as it decomposes.

As we have stated, peace lilies are known for their white blooms. If you like this color of flower, but want something better suited for outdoors, take a look at our guide to the best white flower plants for the garden.

If you want to read similar articles to My Peace Lily Is Not Flowering, we recommend you visit our Plant care and cultivation category.

  • Houseplant Care. (1998). Argentina: Imaginador.
  • Burés Pastor, S. (2022). 50 Perfect Plants. Spain: Larousse.
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My Peace Lily Is Not Flowering