Plant care and cultivation

How to Grow Pothos in Water

Ulla Rothschuh Osorio
By Ulla Rothschuh Osorio, Biologist. October 3, 2024
How to Grow Pothos in Water

Growing pothos in water is a simple and rewarding way to enjoy this popular, low-maintenance houseplant. Known for its lush, trailing vines and heart-shaped leaves, pothos thrives in a variety of conditions, making it an ideal choice for beginners. Unlike many plants that require soil, pothos can grow entirely in water, which offers a clean and mess-free alternative for plant care.

In this beginner's guide from thedailyECO, you'll learn how to grow Pothos in water, covering essential topics such as selecting healthy cuttings and maintaining a thriving plant.

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  1. Characteristics of Pothos in water
  2. Optimal light, temperature, and placement for Photos in water
  3. Recommended substrate and fertilizer for Pothos in water
  4. Pruning techniques for Pothos in water
  5. Common diseases and pests of Pothos in water
  6. Reproduction of Pothos in water
  7. Why is my Pothos turning yellow in water?
  8. Can Pothos live in water permanently?

Characteristics of Pothos in water

Pothos plants, scientifically known as Epipremnum aureum, are incredibly adaptable and can thrive in water for extended periods. Let’s delve into some of their most distinctive characteristics:

  • These tropical vines originate from Southeast Asia, where they flourish in warm, humid environments.

  • Pothos are renowned for their heart-shaped leaves, which often feature stunning variegations in shades of white, silver, pink, or deep cherry, adding visual interest to any space.

  • Known for their fast growth, Pothos plants are highly tolerant of low light conditions, making them perfect for both beginners and seasoned plant enthusiasts alike.

  • Propagating Pothos is very easy. Simply take stem cuttings and place them in either water or soil. You'll soon see roots developing. However, regularly changing the water is crucial to prevent algae growth and maintain optimal water quality.
  • Pothos can be cultivated as climbing vines or trailing plants, providing versatile options for your home or office décor. To enhance their aesthetic appeal, consider using support structures like moss poles or trellises, which encourage Pothos to climb. Alternatively, allow them to cascade gracefully over the edges of containers for a trailing effect.

While most Pothos varieties thrive in water, some may require additional care or specific conditions for optimal growth. Be sure to research the needs of your particular variety to ensure its success.

Optimal light, temperature, and placement for Photos in water

Pothos thrives in bright, indirect light. While it can tolerate some direct sunlight, it's best to avoid intense, midday rays.

This tropical plant prefers warm temperatures above 20°C (68°F). It's sensitive to cold and can freeze in extreme conditions. Ideal placement for Pothos includes:

  • Near a window with indirect sunlight.
  • On a sheltered balcony protected from direct sun.
  • In a well-lit bathroom, where the humid environment benefits its growth.

Explore other plants that thrive in humid bathroom conditions and effectively absorb moisture in this related article.

How to Grow Pothos in Water - Optimal light, temperature, and placement for Photos in water

Recommended substrate and fertilizer for Pothos in water

When growing Pothos in water, it's important to provide essential nutrients. While soil naturally contains many nutrients, water alone may be lacking. A balanced liquid fertilizer can be used to supplement your Pothos's needs. However, reduce the recommended dosage by half to avoid over-fertilization. Monitor your plant's growth and adjust the dosage as needed.

Remember that over-fertilization can lead to root burn and other problems. It's always better to start with a lower dose and gradually increase it if necessary.

If you want to understand the differences between compost and fertilizer, be sure to check out our related article.

Pruning techniques for Pothos in water

Pruning is ideal during the dormant season, typically winter or autumn, when the plant is less active. To maintain the shape of your Pothos, ensure to prune:

  • Weak or damaged branches
  • Branches that are growing in an unwanted direction

It is important to always use clean, sterilized scissors to make clean cuts above the nodes. This helps prevent infections and promotes healthy growth.

Cuttings from pruned branches can be used for propagation, either in water or soil. This is a great way to increase your Pothos collection or give a plant as a gift.

How to Grow Pothos in Water - Pruning techniques for Pothos in water

Common diseases and pests of Pothos in water

Water Pothos are generally resilient plants, but they can still be susceptible to certain diseases and pests. Here are some common issues and how to address them:

  • Root rot: this fungal disease occurs when the roots are constantly wet. To prevent it, make sure to change the water regularly. However, if root rot is suspected, remove the plant from the water and inspect the roots. Then, cut away any damaged or rotten roots, then repot the plant in fresh water or soil.

  • Mealybugs: these tiny, cotton-like insects can infest the plant, sucking sap and causing stunted growth. To treat it, manually remove mealybugs with a cotton swab dipped in rubbing alcohol. You can also use an insecticidal soap or neem oil to treat the entire plant.

  • Spider mites: these tiny spider-like insects can cause yellowing leaves and webbing. The best way to treat it is to use insecticidal soap or neem oil to treat the plant.

Finally, regular inspections can help identify problems early, allowing for timely treatment.

Reproduction of Pothos in water

Propagating a Pothos in water is a simple process. Follow these steps:

  1. Take a cutting from a healthy Pothos plant, ensuring it has at least 10 centimeters (5 in) of growth with a node (where the leaf meets the stem).

  2. Remove any lower leaves to prevent them from rotting in the water. Place the cutting in a clean glass vase filled with fresh water or rainwater.
  3. Adding a few drops of fertilizer and rooting agent can promote growth. Change the water every 4-5 days during the initial weeks, washing the vase to prevent algae or infections.

Within a few weeks, your Pothos cutting will develop roots and be established in water.

How to Grow Pothos in Water - Reproduction of Pothos in water

Why is my Pothos turning yellow in water?

Yellowing leaves on a water Pothos often indicate excessive sunlight. If you notice the leaves turning yellow, especially at the tips, move the plant to a location with brighter, indirect light. This could be near a window or under a roof that provides shade from direct sun.

Remember, yellowing leaves are a sign of distress. Prompt action is necessary to prevent further damage and ensure your Pothos remains healthy.

For more information on how to handle yellow leaves on your Pothos, be sure to check out this related article.

Can Pothos live in water permanently?

Yes, pothos can live in water permanently, but there are some important considerations to keep in mind for optimal growth:

  1. Use clean, chlorine-free water. Tap water can be used, but it's best to let it sit for 24 hours to allow chlorine to evaporate. Alternatively, you can use distilled or rainwater.

  2. Over time, water alone may not provide all the nutrients the plant needs. To support long-term growth, consider adding liquid fertilizer every 4-6 weeks or using a water-soluble fertilizer at half strength.

  3. Change the water every 1-2 weeks to prevent stagnation and the growth of harmful bacteria or algae. When changing the water, gently rinse the roots to remove any buildup.

  4. Monitor the roots for any signs of rot or disease. Healthy roots should be firm and white or light-colored. If you notice mushy or dark roots, trim them back to promote new growth.

Discover the various Pothos varieties and their unique characteristics in this related article.

If you want to read similar articles to How to Grow Pothos in Water, we recommend you visit our Plant care and cultivation category.

  • Burés Pastor, S. (2022). 50 Perfect Plants. Spain: Larousse.
  • Lombardo, A. (1971). Aquatic plants and flowering plants. Uruguay: Directorate of Public Walks.
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How to Grow Pothos in Water